Story of Vehicle

I had always dreamed of someday owning a vintage Ford pickup truck. After listening to speaker, Tony Robbins tapes one day, I decided to write down exactly the truck that I wanted to the detail. That was in 2011. I am a director at the AgriCultural Museum in Boerne and two of the other directors both had vintage trucks. They agreed to help me find a truck of my own. After getting several text messages with pictures of old trucks from Ryan and Mike one summer, I decided to send them a picture of my ideal truck that I had in mind using a google images search, so they could get a little closer to finding my ideal truck. So, in the fall of 2018, I found the picture of a light green 1950 Ford on the internet and sent it to the guys. Then I thought, “Maybe this exact truck is actually for sale!” After doing some research, sure enough, the cute little sea green truck was indeed for sale at a dealership on consignment in Oregon. When I called the salesman, he said, “It’s waiting here for you.” The rest is history, and Seabiscuit was shipped to Texas. I enjoy taking her out on sunny weekends down Hill Country backroads. She has automatic steering, brakes, and I can play Pandora through the radio speakers, just like I had wanted. She has a covering over her bed that can contain musical instruments, art supplies, and just about anything I need to carry. My dog, Ellie is usually in the passenger seat riding shotgun.

Vehicle Info

1 Adult and 1 Child Passenger can ride
Seat Belts – Driver and Passenger
Street Legal

Rides in this vehicle are available April 3rd for the Girl with Grit Fundraiser. 100% of proceeds are returned to the nonprofit. We encourage tipping of your driver to help them cover fuel and time.

Driven by Kristy Watson

I’m an entrepreneur, graphic designer, and museum volunteer. I own Ground Control Horseshoes that I invented in 1999. They are manufactured in Boerne and I sell them around the world. I also design three magazines, Kendall County Woman, Boerne Explore, and The Dominion for Compass Creative Texas. When I’m not working, I like to ride my horses, kayak, play tennis, and drive Seabiscuit.

Cruise with Kristy April 3rd, 2021

Kristy will join us April 3rd, 2021 to help raise funds for the Girl with Grit Program. Join him as a passenger for a 25 minute cruise of Boerne, TX. Rides cost $25 and all proceeds will benefit the nonprofit, Girl with Grit Program.

Drop off and Pick up located at the AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center in Boerne, TX.

102 City Park Rd, Boerne, TX 78006

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